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2018年12月26日, 龙华分局牛湖派出所接事主朱女士报警称自己在网上被骗3万余元。接报警后,民警及时为事主办理了止付冻结手续,但是在冻结了多级涉案账号后,并没有发现被骗资金。

两年来,龙华警方一直保持对案件的追踪调查,没有放弃朱女士被诈骗款项的追还工作。2021年3月,牛湖所通过运用信息化、大数据分析手段,对近期侦破的诈骗案件进行关联分析,最终发现了朱女士被骗案件的下一级银行账号,并成功冻结朱女士的被骗资金24000元。 办案民警立即通知朱女士,并于第二天帮其办理好该笔被骗款原路返还的全部手续。



NewsFederal judge partially blocks Trump’s latest attempt to restrict refugees

2017-12-26Aix XinLe40

A federal judge in Seattle partially blocked US President Donald Trump's newest restrictions on refugee admissions on Saturday, the latest legal defeat for his efforts to curtail immigration and travel to the US…

NewsWinking Star 6 Centuries Ago Explained

2017-12-25Aix XinLe42

Winking Star 6 Centuries Ago ExplainedOn March 11, 1437, Korean royal astronomers noticed something out of the ordinary in the night sky. "There was a brand new star they’d never seen before, between two of the well-known stars in the tail of Scorpius. That star was only seen for 14 days and…



很多小仙女都不愿意早起弄头发, 小编给各位小仙女奉上几款“懒人”扎发, 简约而不简单,总有一款适合你! 三股低马尾辫 蓬松又精致的低扎马尾衬托你温婉可人的气质,喜欢看韩剧的妺子都知…

NewsThe boys subjected to sexual harassment or sexual abuse do?

2017-11-28Aix XinLe48

What male victims of sexual harassment or sexual assault is cheap and is harm to the girls? This is prejudice! Is a violation of their rights and interests should dare to maintain, the law should also measure the problem, both men and women should have th…

NewsCouples how to bundle rope sex

2017-11-27Aix XinLe21

Couples how to bundle rope sexThe rope sex couples tied? Many couples when sex want to try the method of rope sex, but always do not know in the end the choice of which method is better, let us take a look at it…